44 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Minimum PC requirements for ActiveSync
The minimum PC requirements for running ActiveSync are as
• Microsoft
Windows NT
Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 3
or greater or Windows
• Desktop computer with a Pentium processor for Windows NT
• Desktop computer with a 486/66 DX or higher processor
(Pentium P90 recommended) for Windows 95/98
• 16 MB of memory for Windows 95/98 (more memory gives
improved performance) or Windows NT Workstation 4 (32 MB
recommended for Windows NT)
• Hard disk drive with 10 to 50 MB of available hard disk space
(actual requirements vary based on selection of features and
your current system configuration)
• Available 9- or 25-pin serial communications port (adapter
required for 25-pin communication port)
• One CD-ROM drive
• VGA graphics card or compatible video graphics adapter at
256 color or higher
• Keyboard
• Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Options for either the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or
Windows 95/98:
• Audio card/speakers for sound
• Microsoft Office 95 or Microsoft Office 97
• Windows 95/98 Infrared adapter for synchronization
• Modem for remote synchronization
• Ethernet LAN connection for remote synchronization
Requirements for Mobile Channels Support
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. Internet Explorer
5.0 is included on the CD, which requires 56 to 98 MB of hard
disk space.