HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Specifications 173Appendix A
DC Characteristics (continued)
Operating Characteristics [8]
System Speeds [10]
Function Change: 30/sec
Range Change: 65/sec
Autorange Time: <30 ms
Max. Internal Trigger Rate: 1000/sec
Max. External Trigger Rate to Memory: 1000/sec
Additional Error with Autozero OFF
Following instrument warm-up at calibration temperature
±1°C and <10 minutes:
100mV - 100V ranges: add (0.0002% range additional error +5
µV). 300V range: add 0.0006% range.
Settling Considerations
Reading settling times are affected by source impedance, cable dielectric characteristics and input signal
Measurement Considerations
HP recommends the use of Teflon
or other high-impedance, low-dielectric absorption wire insulation for these
[5] For 1k
Ω unbalance in LO lead.
[6] For power-line frequency
[7] For power-line frequency
±1%, subtract 20dB; for ±3%, subtract 30dB.
[8] Readings speeds for 60Hz and (50Hz) operation, Autozero OFF.
[9] For 300V and 3A ranges: use 0.003% range for 5.5 digits and 0.030% range for 4.5 digits;
For all ranges: add 20
µV for DC volts, 4µA for DC current or 20mΩ for resistance.
[10] Speeds are for 0.02 PLC integration time, Delay 0 and Autozero OFF. Includes measurement and data
transfer over the VXI backplane.
Function PLCs Digits Readings/sec
Additional Noise
DCV, DCI and
100 6.5 0.6 (0.5) [8] 0% of range
10 6.5 6 (5) [8] 0% of range
1 5.5 60 (50) [8] 0.001% of range [9]
0.2 5.5 300 0.001% of range [9]
0.02 4.5 1000 0.01% of range [9]