HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 51Chapter 2
Querying the
Delay Time
The TRIGger:DELay? [MINimum|MAXimum] command returns one of the
following numbers to the output buffer:
• The present trigger delay (1
s through 3600 seconds) if MIN or MAX is
not specified.
• The minimum trigger delay available (1
s) if MIN is specified.
• The maximum trigger delay available (3600 seconds) if MAX is
The Sample Count The SAMPle:COUNt <number> command designates the number of
readings per trigger. The number parameter sets the number of readings to
a value between 1 and 50,000.
MIN for the number parameter sets the number of readings per
trigger to 1. Substituting
MAX for the number parameter sets the number of
readings per trigger to 50,000.
Example: Setting the
Sample Count
In the following example, 10 DC voltage measurements are made when the
multimeter’s external trigger BNC connector is pulsed low. After the
10 readings are taken, the multimeter returns to the idle state.
dimension array
Dimension computer array.
Function: DC voltage.
Trigger source is external BNC on multimeter front
Specify 10 readings per trigger.
Place multimeter in wait-for-trigger state; make
measurements when external trigger is received; send
readings to output buffer.
timeout may occur
May require INIT, monitor the status byte for
completion (standard event bit 0), FETC? to transfer
readings to the output buffer (vs. READ?).
enter statement
Enter readings into computer.
Checking the
Sample Count
The SAMPle:COUNt? [MINimum|MAXimum] command returns one of the
following numbers to the output buffer:
• The present sample count (1 through 50,000) if neither MIN nor MAX
is specified.
• The minimum sample count available (1) if MIN is specified.
• The maximum sample count available (50,000) if MAX is specified.