
QuickTools switch configuration
To log in and configure the switch using QuickTools:
1. Open an Internet browser and enter the default IP address to start the QuickTools web applet.
2. Log in to the switch using the default user name (admin) and password (password).
3. Obtain the IP address and subnet mask from your network administrator.
4. Open the QuickTools Wizards menu and select Configuration Wizard. Follow the instructions to set the
IP address and the password. Changing the IP address will terminate the QuickTools session.
5. Open an Internet browser again and log in with the new IP address.
6. When the configuration is complete, proceed to ”Cable devices to the switch” on page 42.
CLI switch configuration
To configure the switch using the command line interface.
1. Open a command window according to the type of workstation and connection.
For an Ethernet connection (all platforms), open a Telnet session with the default switch IP address and
log in to the switch with default account name and password (admin/password).
Switch Login: admin
Password: *******
NOTE: To insure user account security, change the password for the Admin account name. See the
passwd command in the HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch Command Line
Interface Guide.
For a Windows serial connection, open the HyperTerminal application on a Windows platform.
a. Click Start, then select Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.
b. Select the connection you created earlier and click OK. See ”Configuring the workstation serial
port” on page 39.
For a Linux serial connection, open a command window and enter the following command:
2. Open an admin session and enter the set setup system CLI command. Enter the values you want
for switch IP address (EthNetworkAddress) and the network mask (EthNetworkMask). For more
information about CLI commands, see the HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch Command
Line Interface Guide.
SN6000 FC Switch#> admin start
SN6000 FC Switch (admin) #> set setup system
3. Open a Config Edit session and use the set config switch CLI command to modify the switch
4. When the configuration is complete, proceed to ”Cable devices to the switch” on page 42.
Cable devices to the switch
Connect cables to the SFP transceivers and their corresponding devices, and then energize the devices.
Device host bus adapters can have SFP (or SFF) transceivers. Duplex cable connectors are keyed to ensure
proper orientation. Choose the Fibre Channel cables with the connector combination that matches the
device host bus adapter.
GL_Ports self configure as FL_Ports when connected to loop of devices or F_Ports when connected to a
single device. G_Ports self-configure as F_Ports when connected to a single device. Both GL_Ports and
G_Ports self-configure as E_Ports when connected to another switch.