Chapter 5 HPSS Infrastructure Configuration
238 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
* HPSS_SSMDS_INTERVAL- Interval at which DS checks idle RMI clients
* HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_NAME- Java RMI base name for DS
* HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_PORT- Port for Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
* HPSS_SSMDS_KEYSTORE- Data Server keystore file (for SSL)
* HPSS_SSMDS_KEYSTORE_PW- File holding password to Data Server keystore
* file, or the string “PROMPT” if the sysadm
* wishes to be prompted for the password at
* Data Server startup time
* HPSS_SSMDS_JAVA_CONFIG- Pathname of DS Java config file
* HPSS_SSMDS_JAVA_POLICY- Java policy file for DS
* HPSS_HPSSADM_JAVA_POLICY- Java policy file for hpssadm utility
* JAVA_ROOT - top level where Java is installed
* JAVA_HOME - top level for Java Runtime Environment
* JAVA_BIN - location of tools like the Java interpreter
* JAVA_LIB1 - main Java library directory
* JAVA_LIB2 - Java native threads library directories
* JAVA_LIB3 - HPSS library directory
* HPSS_SSMDS_LIBPATH- library search path for the Java VM
* created by the DS
* JAVA_CLS1 - location of standard Java classes
* JAVA_CLS2 - location of hpssadm Java classes
* JAVA_CLS3 - location of mobjects Java classes
* HPSS_SSMDS_CLASSPATH- SSMDS search path for Java classes
* AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO- required for JNI under Java 1.3.0 on AIX
* AIXTHREAD_SCOPE- required for JNI under Java 1.3.0 on AIX
* AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG- required for JNI under Java 1.3.0 on AIX
* AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG- required for JNI under Java 1.3.0 on AIX
* AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG- required for JNI under Java 1.3.0 on AIX
* The DS and the hpssadm utility each set the default HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_HOST
* at runtime as the host upon which they find themselves running. Therefore,
* if the DS and all hpssadm clients are not always running on the same host,
* this variable must be overridden in hpss_env so that the hpssadm clients
* will know where to find the DS.
* When the HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_PORT is left NULL as defined here, the Java RMI
* Registry and the DS and hpssadm utilities will use port 1099.
* The JAVA_HOME variable is used by several HPSS scripts to set the command
* execution PATH and other variables.
{ “HPSS_PATH_SSM”, “${HPSS_PATH_VAR}/ssm” },
{ “HPSS_PORT_SSMDS”, “0x20000069” },
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_INTERVAL”, “60000000” },
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_NAME”, “HPSS_DataServer” },
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_RMI_PORT”, “1066” },
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_KEYSTORE”, “${HPSS_PATH_VAR}/ssm/keystore.ds”
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_KEYSTORE_PW”,”${HPSS_PATH_VAR}/ssm/keystore.ds.pw”
{ “HPSS_SSMDS_JAVA_CONFIG”,”${HPSS_PATH_VAR}/ssm/hpssadm.config”