Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
88 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2 FTP/PFTP
By default, FTP and Parallel FTP (PFTP) interfaces use a username/password mechanism to
authenticate and authorize end users. The end user identity credentials are obtained from the
principal and account records in the DCE security registry. However, FTP and PFTP users do not
require maintenance of a login password in the DCE registry. The FTP/PFTP interfaces allow sites
to use site-supplied algorithms for end user authentication. This mechanism is enabled by running
an appropriate authentication manager such as auth_dcegss.
Alternatively, authentication may be performed using the DCE Registry or using password-less
mechanisms such as MIT Kerberos. DFS
DFS uses DCE authentication and authorization. NFS
Though the HPSS NFS client interface does not directly support an end user login authorization
mechanism, standard NFS export security features are supported to allow specification of read-
only, read-mostly, read-write, and root access to HPSS subtrees for identified client hosts. HPSS
NFS does not support Sun MicroSystems’ Network Information Services to validate client hosts.
HPSS NFS does provide an option to validate the network address of hosts attempting to mount
HPSS directories. The default configuration disables this check. To enable client address validation,
export the variable HPSS_MOUNTD_IPCHECK in the HPSS environments file (hpss_env). An
option to specify mediation of user access to HPSS files by a credentials mapping is also provided.
Export entry options are described further in Section 7.4: NFS Daemon Configuration (page 431).
If the user mapping option is specified, user access requires an entry in the NFS credentials map
cache and user credentials are obtained from that cache. Entries in the credentials map cache,
maintained by the NFS Daemon, are generated based on site policy. For instance, entries may be
established by allowing users to run a site-defined map administration utility, or they may be set
up at NFS startup time by reading a file. They can also be added by running a privileged map
administration utility such as the nfsmap utility. Bitfile
Enforcement of access to HPSS bitfile data is accomplished through a ticketing mechanism. An
HPSS security ticket, which contains subject, object, and permission information, is generated by
the HPSS Name Server. Ticket integrity is certified through a checksum that is encrypted with a key
shared by the Name Server and Bitfile Server. When access to file data is requested, the ticket is
presented to the HPSS Bitfile Server, which checks the ticket for authenticity and appropriate user
permissions. The Name Server/Bitfile Server shared key is generated at Name Server startup, and
is sent to the Bitfile Server using an encrypted DCE remote procedure call to set up a shared security
context. If the DCE cell in which HPSS resides does not support packet integrity, it is recommended
that the Name Server and Bitfile Server components run on the same platform.