
Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
50 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
C++ interfaces may be selectively disabled in Makefile.macros if these components of
MPI-IO cannot be compiled.
Sites using the Command Line SSM utility, hpssadm, will require Java 1.3.0 and JSSE (the
Java Secure Sockets Extension) 1.0.2. These are required not only for hpssadm itself but also
for building the SSM Data Server to support hpssadm.
2.3.2 Prerequisite Summary for AIX HPSS Server/Mover Machine - AIX
1. AIX 5.1 (For High Availability core servers, patch level 2 or later is required)
2. DCE for AIX Version 3.2 (patch level 1 or later)
3. DFS for AIX Version 3.1 (patch level 4 or later) if HPSS HDM is to be run on the machine
4. TXSeries 5.0 for AIX (no patch available at release time)
5. HPSS Server Sammi License (Part Number 01-0002100-A, version for AIX 4.3.3)
from Kinesix Corporation for each HPSSlicense which usuallyconsists of aproduction and
a test system. In addition, an HPSS Client Sammi License (Part Number 01-0002200-B,
version for AIX 4.3.3) is required for each additional, concurrent SSM user. Refer
to Section for more information on Sammi prerequisite and installation require-
ments. This is only needed if Sammi is to be run on the machine.
6. High Performance Parallel Interface Drivers Group (HiPPI/6000), if HiPPI is required
7. C compiler for AIX, version 5.0
8. Data Encryption Standard Library, version HPSS Non-DCE Mover/Client Machine
1. AIX 5.1
2. C compiler for AIX, version 5.0
2.3.3 Prerequisite Summary for IRIX HPSS Non-DCE Mover/Client Machine
1. IRIX 6.5 (with latest/recommended patch set)
2. HiPPI drivers, if HiPPI network support is required.
3. C compiler