Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 29 M/02-212
Menu handling
Because LCD display of R/S Rheometer cannot show simultaneously all menue items, only part of the
menue (three entries) is always displayed. Two arrows “>“ at the right side of display inform you, if there
are still entries in the menue, either above (the arrow in the 2nd line), or below (the arrow in the 4th line).
Currently active (but still not selected) entry is marked by blinking black field (cursor) at the left part of
Using and keys you can move cursor upwards and downwards in the menue until desired
menue item is reached.
Note: If there are more menue entries in the menue and you are reaching the end of the display, next
part of menue is opened automatically (scrolling).
You can “start” the pre-set menue entry or open with key.
The major menue (getting active ca. 10 seconds after switching on the instrument) is the MAIN menue.
In the case, you are in a submenue and wish to return to upper menue, press key.
Press ,you return back to MAIN-menue.
If you push key now, the “Run Single“ function is started.
Before we come to detailed description of this functions like “Run Single“ (see Chapter 6.5), it is worth
to explain, how to input numbers and alphanumeric texts as well as select from a list, because majority
of the Rheometer functions require such actions from the user before execution of a desired function.
VI.3 Selecting from Lists
If the Rheometer wants you to select an entry of a list, there are the same rules and functions of LCD
and keyboard as in menue operations.
• Selection from a list is requested, for example at:
• Selection of a measuring system for measurements in “Run Single” or “Edit Program”;
• Selection of pre-set values for measurements in “Run Single” or “Edit Program”;
MAIN menue
- Run Single
- Run Program
- Remote >
- Set time/date >
- Set RS232 Param.
- Language
- Run Single
- Run Program
- Remote >
This menue contains
more items below.
This entry is pre-
selected and can be
selected by pressing
the “OK“-key
Menu has more
entries above.