Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 44 M/02-212
VI.7 Menu entries of the CONFIGURATION menu
The Entries:
• Set output-mode sets output-mode of measuring data at the time of measurement into the
printer or into the serial interface.
• Set meascount-mode sets the counter mode (if the MEASCOUNT counter of measuring series
will be daily cleared or not).
• Reset meascount reduces the MEASCOUNT counter of measuring series by 1.
• Set time/date Input of date and time
• Set RS232 Param. Sets data transfer parameters for the serial interface RS232
• Language Selects user language of Rheometer (English/German)
• Service, Service2 for service personnel only
In the following chapters these functions are explained in more details.
VI.7.1 Configuration → Set output mode
This function serves definition of output device (printer, serial interface) which will receive measurement
results while measuring. These settings do not depend on measuring values, being saved in the inner
memory of measurement data, i.e. when you set the output device, measuring points are saved
nevertheless in the inner memory of measurement results (if there is available memory). Selection of an
output device is the additional output of measurement values to the printer or the serial interface RS232
at the time of a measurement.
At starting this function you may choose between possible output devices:
If you have selected an output device, your selection is saved in the instrument by pressing key.
This selection remains stored even after switching off the instrument!
Currently set output device is indicated before start of every measurement (see also “Main → Run
Single” and “Main → Run Program”).
After selecting an output device you have to make sure before the start of every measurement that:
a) for output to a printer, the printer is connected to the Rheometer and is ready for operation. If the
printer is not ready, you cannot start the measurement.
Select output device
- No output device
- Printer
- RS232
Internal memory only
dditional output to printer
dditional output to
serial interface
Output of MPs to
- Printer
- Memory
<ST>Start UP>Menue
Selected output device