Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc. Page 37 M/02-212
VI.6 Menue entries in the Utilities-Menue
Utilities menue, as its title presumes, contains several useful functions corresponding to measurements.
The entries:
• Zero Calibration
Executes zero-calibration of the Rheometer
• Edit Programs
input and editing of programs (which can be started with Run Program)
• Print Programs
prints all parameters of all programs in memory at the printer
• Measuring Systems
input of measuring system’s parameters or generation of new measuring
• Print Memory
output of measurement data from memory to the printer or to serial interface
• Delete Memory
clears measurement data in memory
• Measuring Systems
Measures temperature without rheological measurements
Chapters below explain these functions more detailed.
VI.6.1 Utilities → Zero Calibration
The function “Zero calibration” serves to calibrate the Rheometer zero point. This function continues for
approximately 10 minutes and should be done once a week.
Before starting this function, ensure that R/S Rheometer was warmed-up for
not less than 10 minutes and that no measuring system is connected to
RC20´s measuring bob coupling.
The requirement, that a measuring system is removed, is confirmed after checking once more by
pressing key (= start of zero point calibration) or pressing key to return back to Utilities
Zero point calibration is performed automatically. The progress of calibration is shown as executed step
of total steps to be executed.
In the case of an error message occurs while calibrating you should start zero point calibration again. In
the case, the error message is displayed again, there is a critical system fault (=>Repairs).
After a successful calibration, the message on its completion is displayed and values of the zero point
are saved internally. These values are saved till the next calibration.
Push key to save values or any other key to return back to Utilities menue without saving.
At any time you can cancel zero point calibration by key. Zero point values, determined up to this
moment will be ignored.
VI.6.2 Utilities → Edit Programs
This function is for input of new or for edition of already existing programs. The programs can be started
after successful installation via the menue entry “Run Program” in the main menue.
The following values are preset in a program: