Care of Special Items (Cont.)
Item Description of Care
FLAME RETARDANT FINISHES To help reduce thepossibleloss ofthe flame retardantfinish through continuous washing,clean
according to the instructions furnished by the manufacturer of the item.
LINGERIE, DELICATE BLOUSES Use HOTwaterforwhitecotton, permanent pressor blends. UseWARMwater forsilks, rayons,
acetatesand colors. Ifdesired, place very delicatelyconstructed garments ina meshbag. Wash
4 to 10 minutes. Follow with COLD rinse. REGULAR speed for sturdy items and GENTLE
speed for delicate items. Check hang tag.
PLASTICS Check curtainsto be sure they are not rippedor torn. Wash shower curtains without detergent,
(Shower Curtains, Tablecloths, using packaged non-precipitating water conditioner to avoid water spots when dry. Soak, then
Baby Panties, Rubber Boots) agitate no morethan 2minutes. (Usuallyshowercurtains are covered withsudsy splashes, thus
addingdetergent to wash is not necessary.) When washing, useWARM WASH/WARM RINSE
and GENTLE speed. Line dry.
PILLOWS Do not wash pillows filledwith kapok,fiberglass or cotton. Check labels on fiber-filled pillows
to make sure they are machine washable. Checkto see that aIJseams and fabrics are strong
and will not break. If in doubt, place in zippered case or in pillow case and baste shut. Keep
outer covering on foam pil(owsorplace inzippered case. Wash pillowstwo ata time to balance
load. Placepillowsinthewasheronoppositesidesoftheagitator. UseSUPERfilI. Afterwasher
fills, press pillows into water to remove air. Wash with WARM water and detergent. Stop
washer after 2 minutes, turn pillows over. Wash for a total of 4 to 8 minutes. Rinse. Use
RUGS (Scatter) Check label to make sure rug iSwashable and colorfast. Vacuum or shake to remove loose
surface soil. Soak or prewash rug if it is badly soiled. Use ample water as rugs are very
absorbent. Example of a load: One 4' X 6' or three 2' or 3'. Wash more than one small rug at
a time. Ifyou wash only onesmall rug,add bath towels to balance the load. A large rug should
be distributed evenly around the agitator to balance the load. Be sure the rug can move freely
during agitation. Use HOTwater for white, cottonrugs. Use WARMwater for colors and rubber
or Latex-backedrugs. Wash 8 to 12 minutes at REGULAR speed.
SLIPCOVERS Be sure fabric is washable, shrink-resistant and colorfast. Shake or vacuumto remove lint and
dust. Closefasteners. Pretreatanyheavilysoiled spots. Washinsmall loads using amplewater,
as these items are often bulky and absorb a large amount. Soak or prewash if heavily soiled.
Usa WARM wash with a COLD rinse. Soak 5 to 10 minutes, then wash 6-8 minutes. Use
REGULAR speed unless slipcovers are weakened by age,then use GENTLE speed.
SWEATERS (Man-Made) Follow manufacturer's instructions. Treat as a delicate item.
Follow procedures used for woolen blankets. Check label to be sure it is machine washable.
Handmade knits should NOT be dryer dried.
WATER REPELLENT FINISHES Water repellentfinishesare appliedto such fabrics orfinished items as sportjackets, all-weather
coats and sleeping bags toprovide protection from rain or dampness. These finishes alsomay
resist stains. To maintainwater repellent properties,it is importantto rinse itemsverythoroughly
during laundering. Usinga fabric softener,thenpressing the garment thoroughly helps maintain
the water repellent properties.