Problem Solving Guide (Cont.)
Problem Remedy Prevention
Is water hot enough? Are clothes sorted Wash in hottest water safe for fabric and use Wash white cottons, linens and man-made
properly? adequate amount of detergent. Repeat pro- fabdcs inhotwater. Hotwater isnecessary to
cedure several times, if necessary, removeperspirationand greasyor oily stains.
Sort laundry by fabric, color and amount of
Are you using enough detergent? Use adequate detergent. Staff with amount
recommended on detergent package. Use
more for large loads or very dirty loads, or
when you wash in hard water.
Is washer overloaded and/or not enough Place unfolded laundry looselyin washer, do
water for load? not fill above top of small vanes on agitator.
Set waterlevel according to load size.
Have youreadsectionon soaking?Improper Usuallya 30 minutesoak is sufficient. How-
soakingwithinsufficientdetergentcouldbe a ! ever,whenheavilysoiledgarmentsaresoaked
cause, for extended periods,you may need to use
twicethe recommendedamount of detergent.
I Is soap being used in hard water or is an Use a phosphate detergent, if possible. In
inferior poor quality detergent being used? addition,usewaterconditioner, pretreatstains,
use hottest water possible, use bleach where
3ossible, use presoaks, or install a water
Is enough detergent being used?Are clothes I Increase detergent usage. Nylon whitener Wash whites by themselves. Use adequate
sorted by color? Permanent press blends may help. Bleach according to garment detergent.
etc., washed with pastel colors pick up even manufacturer's instructions.
traces of loose dye.
=Are heavily soiled or greasy items washed I Try using aspot lifter. Orspongegreasespot Remove grease spots while fresh. Wash
I with other clothes?Is water temperature too with safe drycleaning fluid; then, before it clothesinhotwater, usingplentyofdetergent.
low? dries, saturate area with liquid detergent. Do not wash permanent press items with
Wash. For old or heavy grease spots, clean other greasy items since they readily absorb
article in coin operated dry cleaner, greasy soils.