Check the following list to be sure a service call is really necessary.
If the water won't drain: If the water temperature is incorrect:
• Isthe hosekinkedorknotted? • Is the WATER TEMP. SELECTION set correctly?
• ts the drain outletclogged? • Are the hoses connected to the correct faucets (hot to hot,
cold to cold)?
If the washer does not fill:
• Are the hot andcold faucets turned on?
• ts the electricatcord plugged in correctly?
• Is the water heater set correctly?
• Has a fuse blown or is the circuit breaker tripped?
If the washer does not spin:
• Have the controlsbeen properlyset?
• is the lid closed?
• ts the PauseIndicatorlit? Ifso,touch the START/PAUSE Pad,
• Is the electrical cord pLuggedin correctly?
• Turn off, let stand for 30 minutes then restarL Motor thermal
protector may have engaged. • Has a fuse blown or isthe circuit breaker tripped?
• Are the hot and coldwater faucets turned on? If the washer is noisy:
• Are the hoses kinkedor knotted? • Isthe washer level and firm to the floor?
• Are the hose filters clogged? • is the load unbalanced? (Excessive vibration can occur when a
load becomes unbalanced.)
if water is leaking:
If a power failure occurs during a cycle:
• Are the hose connectionstight at the faucets?
• Restartand use SPIN ONLY to drain the washer. Then, starta
• Is the end of the drainhosecorrectlyinserted in and securedto newcycle.
the drainfacility?