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Options for sending a message
After you have written a message, select Options > Sending options. With Send to many you can send the
message to several recipients. With Sending profile you can use a predefined message profile to send the
message. To define a message profile, see Settings for text messages, 36.
Your device supports the sending of text messages beyond the character limit for a single message. Longer messages will be
sent as a series of two or more messages. Your service provider may charge accordingly. Characters that use accents or other
marks, and characters from some language options like Chinese, take up more space limiting the number of characters that
can be sent in a single message.
Read and reply to messages
When you receive a message, the indicator and the number of new messages followed by messages
received are shown.
The blinking indicates that the message memory is full. Before you can receive new messages, delete some
of your old messages.
1. Select Show to view the new message, or select Exit to view it later.
If you receive more than one message, select the one that you want to read. An unread text message is
indicated by .
2. While you are reading a message, select Options and select an option, such as delete, forward, or edit the
message, rename the message you are reading or to move it to another folder.
Copy to calendar — to copy text at the beginning of the message to your phone’s calendar as a reminder
note for the current day.
Message details — to view, if available, the sender’s name and phone number, the message centre used, and
the date and time of receipt.
Use detail — to extract numbers, e-mail addresses and Web site addresses from the current message.
When reading a picture message, select Save picture to save the picture in the Templates folder.
3. Select Reply and the message type to reply to a message.