
44Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Received calls displays the list of recently accepted or rejected calls (network
Dialled numbers displays the list of recently called.
Tip: In the standby mode, press the call key once to access the list of dialed
numbers. Scroll to the number or name that you want, and press the call
key to call the number.
Clear recent call lists deletes the recent calls lists. Select whether you want
to delete all the phone numbers, or only the numbers in a specific list. You cannot
undo this operation.
Counters and timers
Note: The actual invoice for calls and services from your service provider may vary,
depending upon network features, rounding off for billing, taxes and so forth.
Select Menu > Call register and Call duration, Packet data counter, or Packet data
connection timer for approximate information on your recent communications.
Positioning information (network service)
Some networks allow position requests. Positioning allows you to view the
received position requests from the network operator. Contact your network
operator or service provider to subscribe to and agree upon the delivery of
location information.
Select Menu > Call register > Positioning:
Select Position log to see a list of received position requests.