List of Log Messages
A272 Upload communication buffer overflowed
A273 Used buffer size is over maximum size [warning]
A274 Event buffer for upload overflowed [warning]
A275 Image buffer for upload overflowed [warning]
A470 Uploader initialization failed [crit]
Application (Audio Server) Messages
B001 Starting and shutdown of audio server [info]
B011 Audio client connected [info]
B012 Audio client closed [info]
B101 Error request received [notice]
B102 Client connection denied [notice]
Description ftp/http queue is full (A272)
Meaning Upload data overflowed from the
communication buffer.
Make adjustments to reduce the number of
event occurrences. Also adjust the video
quality, video size and frame rate for upload.
Description used buffer size is over maximum size.
Meaning The buffer reached maximum usage size.
Adjust the video quality, video size and
frame rate for upload.
Description event queue is full (A274)
Meaning Event buffer for upload overflowed.
Make adjustments to reduce the number of
event occurrences.
Description buffer queue is full (A275)
Meaning Image buffer for upload overflowed.
Make adjustments to reduce the number of
event occurrences. Also adjust the video
quality, video size and frame rate for upload.
Description uploader initialization failure - %1 (A470)
%1 Error number
Meaning The uploader could not be initialized.
If the problem persists after rebooting the
camera, the camera is faulty, arrange for
Description %1 audio. (B001)
%1 starting | stopping
Meaning The audio server was started/shut down.
Description [%1] %2 connected n=%3 (B011)
%1 Client type (send | recv)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 Total number of clients
Meaning An audio client was connected.
Description [%1] %2 closed n= %3 (B012)
%1 Client type (send | recv)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 Total number of clients
Meaning An audio client was disconnected.
Description %1 unusual request [%2] (B101)
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Error type (400 | 404 | ...)
Meaning The request was denied due to a command
error (400) or parameter error (404).
Description %1 request denied [%2] (B102)
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Denial type (41 | 43 | ...)
Meaning Client connection was denied due to an
authentication error (41), time specification
error (42), insufficient resource (43),
specification of unsupported codec (45),
specification of unpermitted user level (47),
too many clients (49), invalid operation
mode (4a) or service competition (4e).
41: Check user name, password or user list
used when connecting. 42: Check playtime
or maximum connection time settings used
when connecting. 43: Reconnect or restart.
45: Use supported client software. 47:
Check user level used when connecting. 49:
Check client number settings. 4a: Check if
usage of audio server is enabled. 4e: Check
the clients that are connected.