Reviewing Photos and Videos
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Erasing a Stored Image
Single images can be erased from the camera in Playback
1. Turn on the camera and use the sliding switch
next to the power button to enable Playback
2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT buttons to cycle through
the images to select the one you want to delete.
3. Press the UP (delete) button.
4. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to confirm that you
want to delete the image or press the MENU
button to cancel.
5. Press the SET button to complete the action.
Erasing all Images
You can delete all images from the SETUP menu.
1. Turn the camera on.
2. Press the MENU button.
3. Press the RIGHT button to select the SETUP
4. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to select the
Delete All option.
5. Press the RIGHT button to enter the Delete
All submenu.
6. Use the Up or DOWN buttons to choose Yes to delete all images in memory, or
select No to cancel.
7. Press the SET button to confirm the action or the MENU button to cancel.