D-Link DCS-6513 Security Camera User Manual

44D-Link DCS-6513 User Manual
Section 3: Conguration
Enable Automatic Iris Adjustment
Iris Adjustment
Iris Speed
WDR Level:
Reset Default:
Selecting this option will allow the camera to
automatically determine the optimal iris adjustment.
To counteract dicult lighting scenarios you can
manually adjust the camera's iris.
This allows you to select the speed at which iris
adjustments take place.
This setting controls the amount of noise reduction that
will be applied to the picture.
Adjust this setting to compensate for backlit subjects.
Adjust this setting to alter the color intensity/strength.
This setting controls the amount of coloration, from
grayscale to fully saturated.
Specify a value from 0 to 128 to specify how much
sharpening to apply to the image.
Specify a value from 0 to 10 to specify how much WDR to
apply to the image, or select None.
Click this button to reset the image to factory default