FujiFilm XP30 Camcorder User Manual

(!)Tilecameramaybeunableto receiveGPSdatainsomelocations.Ifpossible,
(l)SelectOFFfor_ LOCATIONSEARCH(_ 82)andI_ITRACKING DATA(_ 83) in
the setup menu when in a hospital and before takeoffand landing iftraveling byair.
(!) Placenames are current as of tile date on which tile map database was created
(_ 109)and will not be updated to reflect any changes after that date.
(!) Comprehensive place name data are unavailable in some countries and regions. If
no name isavailable,tile latitude and longitude will bedisplayed for a few seconds.
During playback,pictures for which GPSdata exist are indicated riPS/con
by aGPB icon. GPSdataareshown for afew secondseach time
tile picture isdisplayed.
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