EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
QuickAssist Technology
August 2009 PG
Order Number: 320183-004US 15
Software Overview—Security Software
event this is not possible, the firmware will determine the sizes of these regions and set
them accordingly. See Chapter 8.0, “ASD Hardware Services” for details on how this is
3.3 Logical View
At the highest level, the software components fall into the following “layers”, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
In this document, and for this release, only those layers highlighted in bold are
described in more detail.
3.3.1 Acceleration Firmware Layer
This layer of the architecture is for firmware which runs on the ASU.
The only firmware running at this layer in this software release is the firmware driver
for the SSU, which runs on the ASU. This firmware is provided in binary format.
3.3.2 Acceleration Access Layer and Acceleration APIs
This layer of software runs on the IA core. It implements the configuration and control
of the Acceleration Firmware layer running on the ASU, and provides an Application
Programming Interface (API) for the rest of the system to interface with the
acceleration firmware.
Figure 3 shows the different components at this layer. The APIs are also shown to
highlight the mapping between APIs and the corresponding acceleration libraries.
Figure 2. Software for Intel
EP80579 Integrated Processor product line
Standard OS
Drivers and
Platform hardware
OS Stack or Ecosystem Middleware Layer
Shim Layers
Access APIs
Acceleration APIs
Acceleration Firmware Layer
Acceleration Access Layer
Acceleration Subsystem
Custom Drivers
Customer Application
System Driver