Kodak CD80 Digital Camera User Manual

56 www.kodak.com/go/support
recycling, disposal, 45
regulatory information, 50
repair, 41
reset camera, 27
review button, ii
reviewing pictures/video
as you take them, 5
deleting, 13
LCD, 12
protecting, 13
slide show, 15
running slide show, 15
safety, 46
scene modes (SCN), 8
inserting, 3
printing from, 31
select multiple pictures/videos, 14
self-portrait, 8
self-timer, 10
self-timer light, i
service and support telephone
numbers, 42
set tag, 26
AF zone, 24
auto power off, 27
auto-focus, 24
camera sounds, 27
color mode, 23
date and time, 2
date stamp, 26
exposure metering, 24
image storage, 26
ISO, 25
language, 27
LCD brightness, 26
long time exposure, 23, 26
picture size, 22
picture-taking mode, 7
self-timer, 10
sharpness, 25
video out, 27
video size, 25
white balance, 24
setting up the camera, 1
setup menu, 26
Share button, 26
share button, ii
sharpness, 25
problems, 37
self-timer delay, 10
slide show
running, 15
snow, 8
installing, 28
upgrading, 46
sounds, 27
specifications, camera, 43
strap, 1
strap post, ii
support, technical, 42