Chapter 3
Displaying Pictures on a Television
You can run a slide show or display your pictures on a television, computer
monitor, or digital projector (any device equipped with a video input).
NOTE: Ensure that the Video Out setting is correctly set to NTSC or PAL (see
page 44).
1 Connect the video cable from the video out
port on the camera to the video in port on
the television. (Refer to your television
User’s Guide for details on video in setup.)
The camera LCD turns off; the television
screen acts as the camera display.
2 You can now use the television screen to
review your pictures in single or multiple
views, run a slide show, or do anything on
the television screen that you can do on the
camera LCD.
NOTE: If you connect or disconnect the video cable while a slide show is
running, the slide show stops.
Video out