Kodak M340 Digital Camera User Manual

Getting help from your camera
Youwant the mostfromyour camera.Youwant to understand:
[] What it cando for you
[] And howto takethebestpossiblepicturesandvideos
Great news!
Yourcameraoffers abuilt-in Helpsystem.It describeseverysettingfor everymenu
choice.Ifyoulearnnothing elseabout yourcamera,learnhowto useon-cameraHelp.
Becausethe moreyou know yourcamera,the moreconfidentyou become.
Press the Menu button, then
highlight a menu choice.
_ Press the Info 0 button.
_,/"_" Scrollthrougha Helptopic
Seethe Extendeduserguide www.kodak.com/go/m340support
www. kodak, com/go/m340support