❚❚Interrupting Interval Timer Photography
Interval timer shooting will end automatically if the battery is
Interval timer photography can also be ended by:
• Selecting Start > Off in the interval timer menu
• Performing a two button reset (0 207)
• Resetting settings for the current shooting menu bank using the
Shooting menu bank item in the shooting menu (0 294)
• Changing bracketing settings (0 139)
• Terminating HDR (0 186) or multiple exposure shooting (0 210)
Normal shooting will resume when interval timer photography ends.
❚❚No Photograph
The camera will skip the current interval if any of the following
situations persist for eight seconds or more after the interval was
due to start: the photograph or photographs for the previous
interval have yet to be taken, the memory buffer is full, or the
camera is unable to focus in
(note that the camera focuses again
before each shot).
Shooting will resume with the next interval.
A Release Mode
Regardless of the release mode selected, the camera will take the
specified number of shots at each interval.
In CH (continuous high
speed) mode, photographs will be taken at the rate given on page 112.
In S (single frame) and CL (continuous low-speed) modes, photographs
will be taken at the rate chosen for Custom Setting d2 (Shooting speed,
0 318) > Continuous low-speed; in mode J, camera noise will be
A Shooting Menu Banks
Changes to interval timer settings apply to all shooting menu banks
(0 294).
If shooting menu settings are reset using the Shooting menu
bank item in the shooting menu (0 294), interval timer settings will be
reset as follows:
• Choose start time: Now
• Interval: 00:01':00"
• Number of intervals: 1
• Number of shots: 1
• Start shooting: Off