File format • NEF (RAW): 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed,
compressed, or uncompressed
• JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. 1 : 4),
normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic (approx. 1 : 16)
compression (Size priority); Optimal quality
compression available
• NEF (RAW)+JPEG: Single photograph recorded in both
NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats
Picture Control System Can be selected from Standard, Neutral, Vivid,
Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape; selected Picture
Control can be modified; storage for custom Picture
Media XQD and Type I CompactFlash memory cards (UDMA
Dual card slots Either card can be used for primary or backup storage
or for separate storage of NEF (RAW) and JPEG images;
pictures can be copied between cards.
File system DCF (Design Rule for Camera File System) 2.0, DPOF
(Digital Print Order Format), Exif (Exchangeable Image
File Format for Digital Still Cameras) 2.3, PictBridge
Viewfinder Eye-level pentaprism single-lens reflex viewfinder
Frame coverage
FX (36×24)
: Approx. 100% horizontal and 100% vertical
• 1.2× (30×20): Approx. 97% horizontal and 97% vertical
• DX (24×16): Approx. 97% horizontal and 97% vertical
• 5:4 (30×24): Approx. 97% horizontal and 100% vertical
Magnification Approx. 0.7 × (50 mm f/1.4 lens at infinity, –1.0 m
Eyepoint 18 mm (–1.0 m
; from center surface of viewfinder
eyepiece lens)
Diopter adjustment –3–+1 m
Focusing screen Type B BriteView Clear Matte Mark VIII screen with AF
area brackets and framing grid