Scanning Short, Long, or Damaged Film
Scanning Short, Long, or Damaged Film
This section details how to alter long or damaged fi lm strips so that they can be scanned in
the SA-21. Strips of 35-mm fi lm that can not be scanned in the SA-21 even with alteration
can be scanned in the MA-21 using the optional FH-3 fi lm holder.
Problem Solution
Ends of fi lm are taped. Remove tape or trim ends of fi lm. After removing
tape, wipe off all traces of adhesive with soft, dry
cloth, being careful not to damage fi lm.
Ends of fi lm have not been cut straight across. Trim fi lm straight across, being careful not to cut
across perforations.
End perforations are cut or torn. Trim fi lm straight across, being careful not to cut
across remaining perforations. If this would result
in loss of part of frame, trim only outer edge of
perforations as shown above at right.
Ends of fi lm are folded. Trim folds from fi lm, cutting fi lm straight across
and being careful not to cut across perforations.
Ends of fi lm are tapered. Trim fi lm straight across, being careful not to cut
across perforations.