Olympus C-990ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Points to Remember
Depending on the distance from the subject to camera, the final
picture may not match the image in the viewfinder, and zooming in
can make the discrepancy even greater. Use the monitor for close-
Subjects may be difficult to focus if they (1) have little contrast, (2)
appear excessively bright in the center, (3) have no vertical lines,
(4) are at varying distances, or (5) are moving quickly.
To correct the situation either:
Focus the camera at something the same distance as your subject,
allow it to focus, then aim it back at the subject and shoot.
Set the focus at either 2.5m or .
For subjects with no vertical lines, hold the camera vertically to focus,
then move it back to the horizontal position to take the shot.
1) Subjects with low contrast
2) Subjects that appear excessively bright
in the center
3) Subjects with no vertical lines
4) Subjects of varying distances
5) Fast-moving subjects
Taking Better Pictures