Olympus C-990ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

In auto-flash mode, the flash will automatically fire in lowlight and backlit
To fire the flash in a backlit shot, position the subject inside the
backlighting correction mark.
Red-eye Reduction ( )
When shooting people, eyes may appear red. Use the red-eye reduction
flash mode to compensate for this phenomenon.
In the red-eye reduction flash mode, the camera will emit a series of
rapid pre-flashes before the actual flash fires.This makes the subjects
pupils contract, significantly reducing the red-eye effect.Be sure to hold
the camera firmly until the shutter releases, which takes approximately
one second.
Fill-in Flash ( )
Forces the flash to fire on every shot.
Using the fill-in flash mode, the flash fires regardless of available light.
This feature can be used to light up a subjects face, when shaded by a
tree for example, or to correct uneven lighting conditions caused by
backlighting, fluorescent lighting, etc.This mode may not have the
desired effect in excessively bright light.
Slow Sync ( )
For taking pictures at night, especially night views.
In this mode, the flash will fire automatically when the picture is taken.
The shutter will stay open for 1/2 second.This setting is most
appropriate for night view photography.The use of a tripod is
recommended to prevent blurriness caused by camera movement.
Red-eye Reduction + Slow Sync
The combination of these two modes works best for taking pictures of
people at night.
The red-eye reduction flash and slow sync flash both operate at the
same time.
The shutter speed automatically slows down to 1/2 second in low-light
conditions.The use of a tripod is recommended to prevent blurriness
caused by camera movement.