Olympus C-990ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Image Viewer
With this function you can display images from your camera on the
computer screen either singly or index style. Images can also be stored
in folders and subfolders, and can moved with a simple drag and drop
Automatic moving picture file playback and still picture playback
functions are also available.
Image Processing
Images can be processed in a variety of ways.
Rotation (90 degrees right and left, 180 degrees and at angles)
Color variation
Enlargement and reduction
Text insertion
Various filtering processes (brightness, contrast, color balance,
sharpness, etc.)
You can use the index display window to process multiple images at a
time.This is useful for functions such as image rotation, format
conversion and file name conversion.
Camera sequence functions
Panorama: You can assemble composite images taken in the
standard card panorama mode into a panorama screen.
Template composition:
You can make your own templates and store them on the
template card (sold separately).Template images can
also be combined with images taken by a camera.
There are various ways to print images:
Single frame printing
Single frame printing with date
Multiple copy index printing
Automatic layout printing of 3, 4 or 6 images