Olympus C-5000 Digital Camera User Manual

Power on/off
Getting started
If the camera is subjected to strong vibration or shock while turned
on, power may be interrupted, causing the date and other internal
settings to revert to the factory default status.
Power is consumed continuously during the conditions described
below. This could shorten the life of the battery.
When the monitor is turned on.
When the monitor is in the playback mode for an extended
period of time.
Repeated zoom adjustments.
Repeated auto-focus by depressing the shutter button halfway.
When the camera is connected to a PC.
To save battery power, the camera automatically enters the sleep
mode and stops the operation after about 3 minutes of non-
operation. The camera activates again as soon as you operate the
shutter button or zoom lever. The sleep time interval can be set in
any shooting mode (except q). g
“SLEEP – Sleep Timer” (P.137)
To save power, the camera retracts the lens and turns off
automatically after about 4 hours of non-operation. To resume
operation, turn the camera on again.
How to shoot with the monitor off
Press f (monitor).
Using the camera with the monitor on will shorten the life of the
battery. Use the camera with the monitor off if you want to continue
shooting for as long as possible.