Olympus C-5000 Digital Camera User Manual

Taking still pictures
Shooting basics
Taking still pictures using the viewfinder
The camera actually records a wider area than the picture you compose while
looking through the viewfinder.
1 Set the mode dial to either h
i j k l m o r p or
P and set the power switch to
g“Power on/off” (P.24)
Press f to turn the monitor off when the
monitor is on.
2 Position the AF target mark in the
viewfinder on the subject.
3 Press the shutter button gently
(halfway) to adjust the focus.
When the focus and exposure are locked,
the green lamp lights steadily (Focus lock).
If the orange lamp lights, the flash fires
Mode dial
Power switch
f button
Card access lamp
Shutter button
Mode dial
AF target mark
Green lamp
Orange lamp