Olympus C-770 Digital Camera User Manual

26 En
S Shutter priority shooting
Allows you to set the shutter speed manually. The camera sets the
aperture automatically.
Press a to set a faster shutter speed.
Press c to set a slower shutter speed.
M Manual shooting
Allows you to set the aperture and shutter speed manually.
Press d to increase the aperture value (f number).
Press b to decrease the aperture value (f number).
Press a to set a faster shutter speed.
Press c to set a slower shutter speed.
r My Mode
Allows you to save your favorite settings as your own personal mode and use
these customized settings when taking pictures. Current settings can also be
saved for retrieving by this mode.
The available settings vary depending on the mode.
You can take still pictures using either the monitor or the viewfinder. Both
methods are easy as all you have to do is to press the shutter button.
1 Slide the power switch to K.
The monitor turns on.
2 Turn the mode dial and select a shooting mode.
3 Decide the composition of the picture.
4 Press the shutter button gently (halfway) to adjust the
To shoot using the viewfinder, press
to turn the viewfinder on.
basic_e_d4209_7.fm Page 26 Thursday, December 25, 2003 1:36 PM