C1572M (9/05) 57
System Programming Using DOS
The CM9700-CC1 runs under Microsoft
DOS (Disk Operating System) 6.22, referred to as MS-DOS
6.22 and also commonly referred to simply
as DOS. This section provides information about the following:
• System 9760 programming tasks that are performed using DOS operations
• DOS filename conventions
• DOS commands that are commonly used when managing 9760 system files
• For an overview of the DOS directory structure of the CM9700-CC1, refer to Directory Structure in the CM9700-CC1 Controller section.
• For detailed information about programming the 9760 system using the CM9700-MGR, refer to the CM9700-MGR Software Guide.
Using DOS operations, you can perform the following tasks:
• Copy configuration files from the CM9700-MGR to the CM9700-CC1
• Set and adjust system time in a single-node system
• Set and adjust system time in a multi-node system
To perform each of the above tasks, refer to the sections that follow.
NOTE: Before copying configuration files from the CM9700-MGR to the CM9700-CC1, it is recommended that you save a copy of the existing
CM9700-CC1 configuration files.
To copy configuration files from the CM9700-MGR to the CM9700-CC1, do the following:
1. Export configuration files from the CM9700-MGR to a floppy disk using the Export to Configuration Files option of the CM9700-MGR.
For detailed instructions, refer to the CM9700-MGR Software Guide.
2. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive of the CM9700-CC1.
3. Using the keyboard connected to the AT-compatible keyboard port of the CM9700-CC1, press Ctrl+Q to exit the 9760 system.
The VGA monitor displays the C:\9700> prompt.
4. At the prompt, copy all configuration files from the floppy disk to the CM9700-CC1 by entering the following:
copy a:filename.*
where filename is the root name of the configuration files. For example, if the root name is NODE1, enter the following:
copy a:node1.*
5. Press Enter.
Either of the following occurs:
• The configuration files are copied to the CM9700-CC1. Skip step 6 and proceed to step 7.
• If the previous configuration files exist in the C:\9700 directory, the following message appears:
Files Already Exist, Over Write? Y/N/A
Continue with step 6.
6. Enter A to overwrite all existing files on the CM9700-CC1 with the files contained on the floppy disk.
7. Remove the floppy disk from the disk drive of the CM9700-CC1.
8. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to reboot the CM9700-CC1. Note that you must press the Del key on the numeric keypad of your keyboard in order to
reboot the system.
Entering Y for Yes requires that you confirm on a file-by-file basis that you wish to overwrite the existing file. Entering N for No
requires that you confirm on a file-by-file basis that you do not wish to overwrite the existing file.