PTZ System Software
The PTZ Robotic Camera comes with software support for controlling the pan, tilt, and zoom features of
the camera through the Pioneer 2 Operating System (P2OS). In addition, we provide C-language-based
libraries and source code for integration of the PTZ System with your Pioneer client applications.
PTZ P2OS Commands
Integrated control of the PTZ Robotic Camera happens through a single P2OS command with a string
argument containing camera commands. P2OS automatically packages the argument and shunts it through
the AUX serial port on the Pioneer 2 microcontroller to the VISCA Input port of the camera. Currently,
communications is one-waycommand-onlythere is no way to verify camera position or to take
advantage of the camera's built-in tracking algorithms through P2OS.
The P2OS command number is 42 followed by a string argument which comprises the camera control
command. A complete list of Sony VISCA control commands for the PTZ Robotic Camera (D30/31) can be
found through:
See the Pioneer 2 Operation Manual for P2OS command formats.
Client Software Installation
The PTZ client-side software (ptzsys) works with the Saphira robotics applications development
environment, version 6.1e or later. Consult the included header and source files for guidelines on integration
of the embedded P2OS commands with your own programs.
WIN32 Systems
Download from the online website or locate on the included 3.5-inch diskette the ptzsys.EXE file to
your boot Windows95 or NT disk. Double-click the program icon to execute the self-extracting archive of
PTZ System programs and files. Choose the top-level directory where you have previously installed Saphira;
C:\Saphira\ver61, for example.
These are the WIN32 files when extracted relative to the Saphira top-level path ($SAPHIRA):
$SAPHIRA\path Description
Saphira/Colbert shared library
Colbert activity demo
Shared library source file
DLL makefile (MS VC++4.x)
Linux/Unix Systems
Download from the online website the ptzsys_system.tgz file that matches your computer. Copy the tar
and compressed archive file the top-level directory where you have previously installed Saphira;
/usr/local/Saphira/ver61, for example. Then uncompress and untar the files. For example,
% uncompress ptzsys_sunos.tgz
% tar -xvf ptzsys.tar
or simply
% tar -zxvf ptzsys.tgz