Polaroid t737 Digital Camera User Guide
Polaroid t737 Digital Camera User Guide
1. Before you begin, close all other
software applications open on
your computer.
2. Insert the CD supplied into the
computer CD-ROM Drive.
3. The CD User Interface Screen
will automatically launch.
4. With the mouse, click on each
software interface button in
turn and follow the on screen
Open & Close
If the setup screen does not appear
after loading the CD, then you can
manually start it by double clicking
the “My Computer” icon on your
desktop, then double clicking the icon
for the CD-ROM drive. When the CD-
ROM window opens, double click the
For Macintosh Users:
1. Before you begin, close all other software applications open on your
2. Insert the CD supplied into the computer CD-ROM Drive.
3. Double click the CD-ROM icon “Polaroid”.
4. Install the software included.
• Software Included with Your Camera
The t737 software CD contains the following software:
Polaroid t737 Camera Driver Plug & Play removable disk
Easy to use, just plug the camera to a computer and use it as a removable
disk. Use the ArcSoft® PhotoStudio® to edit and print the Pictures.
ArcSoft® PhotoStudio® Picture Editing Software
ArcSoft® PhotoStudio® is an easy-to-use and powerful image-editing
software loaded with everything you need to fix, print, and get creative
with your digital pictures. This program gives you quick access and all-
at-once enhancement to the pictures on your computer, for example,
removing red-eye and cloning objects to a different picture. Add special
effects or place them in cards, calendars, frames and fantasy templates.
ArcSoft® PhotoStudio® also includes a wide variety of printing options.
ArcSoft VideoImpression® 2 Movie Making Software
ArcSoft VideoImpression® is an easy-to-use video editing software
program. The program enables users to create and edit new videos using
existing video and image files - making desktop video presentations for
home, business, and the Web.
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ .PDF File Reading Software
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ lets you view and print Adobe Portable
Document format (PDF) files on all major computer platforms, as well as
fill in and submit Adobe PDF forms online.