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Back-Focus Adjusment
Back-Focus is adjusted at the factory to accommodate most standard lenses.
However, at times, slight adjustment to the IK-6550A back-
focus is necessary.
Loosen the Focus Lock Screw. Achieve a clear image by
rotating the focus ring.
Afterwards, tighten the Focus Lock Screw.
This camera supports two types of auto-iris lens: Video-
type and DC (direct drive) types. Connect the auto-iris
connector plug to the IRIS terminal on the side of the
camera. Refer to the chart below for correct wiring and
set up.
Video IRIS Direct Drive
Lens IRIS Lens
1. +12V 1. Damp – (y)
2. NC 2. Damp + (γ)
3. VIDEO 3. Driver + (wh)
4. GND 4. Driver – (g)
IRIS Switch VIDEO position DC Position
IRIS terminal
Focus Lock Screw
Focus ring
Auto-iris lens