Unibrain Fire-i 530/630/830 Operation Manual Page 36
3.12. Optical Filter Control
The Optical Filter control allows the user to change the optical filter of the camera. You can change the Bayer
pattern by moving the starting position of the pattern by one position up, down, right or left. (Only for color
Inquiry Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature
Abs_Control_Inq [1] Capability of control with absolute value
- [2] Reserved
One_Push_Inq [3] One push auto mode (Controlled
automatically by camera only once)
ReadOut_Inq [4] Capability of reading the value of this
On/OFF_Inq [5] Capability of switching this feature ON and
Auto_Inq [6] Auto Mode (Controlled automatically by
Manual_Inq [7] Manual Mode (Controlled by user)
Min_Value [8..19] Minimum value for this feature control
Max_Value [20..31] Maximum value for this feature control
Status Control Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
88Ch OPTICAL_FILTER Presence_Inq
[0] Presence of this feature
0:N/A 1:Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
0: Control with value in Value field
1: Control with value in Absolute value
CSR if this bit =1, value in Value filed is
- [2..5] Reserved
On/OFF [6] Write : ON or OFF this feature
Read : read a status
0: OFF, 1:ON
If this bit=0, other fields will be read only.
- [7..19] Reserved
Value [20..31] Minimum value for this feature control