Unibrain Fire-i 530/630/830 Operation Manual Page 53
S AF 0Bytes Z
Read feature control value
Return value order
‘G’[Gain] [Shutter] [Set/Clear auto gain and shutter] [Auto
Exposure] [Gamma] [Brightness] [Sharpness] [ISO] [Trigger]
Ex) At Command SAFZ, if return value is G001200132F20020101,
Gain : 0x001 Shutter speed : 0x200
Set auto gain/Clear auto shutter speed : 0x1
Auto exposure : 0x32 Gamma : 0xF Brightness : 0x200
Sharpness : 0x201 ISO : 0x0 Trigger : 0x1
S B0 16Bytes Z G RS232 synchronization : RS232 buffer cleared in camera.
S B1 8Bytes Z G
Write access of 1394 address
Format : SB1 [address(8 byte)] [data(8byte)] Z
Ex) SB1F2F1010012345678Z :
write 0x12345678 data at 0xF2F10100 address
S B2 0Bytes Z
Read access of 1394 address
Format : SB2 [address(8byte)] Z
Ex) If command is SB2F2F10100Z and return value is
G12345678, Read value of address 0xF2F10100 is 0x12345678.
S B3 3Bytes Z G
Return to default feature value
Return control feature : gain, shutter speed, auto exposure,
brightness, sharpness, gamma, auto shutter speed, auto gain
Any Byte Z U
Undefined command
Return Value is ‘U’ character.