Vivotek IP8362 Security Camera User Manual

130 - User's Manual
options quality, framerate,
4/4 Video input option:
(1) video quality first mode
(2) video frame rate first mode
(3) cropping mode
(not used in IP8362)
enablepreview <boolean> 1/4 Usage for UI of exposure settings. Preview
settings of video profile.
7.8.1 Video input setting per channel
Group: videoin_c<0~(n-1)> for n channel products, and m is stream number
cmosfreq 50, 60 4/4 CMOS frequency.
whitebalance auto, manual, rbgain 4/4 “auto” indicates auto white balance.
“manual” indicates keep current value.
“rbgain” indicates using rgain and gbain.
rgain 0~100 4/4 Manual set rgain value of gain control setting.
bgain 0~100 4/4 Manual set bgain value of gain control setting.
exposurelevel 0~12 4/4 Exposure level
autoiris 0~1 4/4 set 1 to enable auto iris, set 0 to disable auto iris.
(not used in IP8362)
irismode fixed, indoor, outdoor 4/4 Video Iris mode for DC Iris.
enablewdr <boolean> 4/4 Enable/disable wield dynamic range. (not used in
wdrc_mode 0~3 4/4 WDR enhanced.
0: off
1: auto
2: always on
3: keep current value
wdrc_strength 0~2 4/4 WDR enhanced.
0: low
1: medium
2: high
enableblc 0~1 4/4 Enable backlight compensation
agc 0,1,2 4/4 Set auto gain control to normal level or MAX level.