Editing Effects
108 QuadraSynth Reference Manual
Quad Knob [2] is used to adjust the LFO Speed of all Pitch types, with the exception
of Pitch Detune and Resonator.
Quad Knob [3] is used to adjust the LFO Depth of all Pitch types, with the exception
of Pitch Detune and Resonator. The LFO Depth, which is the amount of pitch
alteration, can be adjusted to produce the desired effect.
Quad Knob [4] is used to adjust the LFO Feedback of all Pitch types, with the
exception of Pitch Detune and Resonator. A portion of the output of the Pitch section
can be Òfed backÓ into the input in order to make the effect more tonal or
If the Pitch type is Pitch Detune, page 2 will have only this parameter. Use Quad
Knob [1] to adjust the tuning of the Pitch Detune effect.
Resonator Tuning and Decay
If the Pitch type is Resonator, page 2 of the Pitch function will have two parameters.
Use Quad Knob [1] to adjust the Resonator tuning, and Quad Knob [3] to adjust the
Resonator Decay.
The Mod function lets you control various effects parameters from the various
controls on the QuadraSynth (keyboard, after-touch, pitch-bender, etc.) or from the
MIDI input. This is extremely useful when dynamic or real-time control is required
in a live playing situation. It is possible to control up to 2 parameters simultaneously.
The assignments are saved with the Effects Patch.
DonÕt confuse the Mod function of the Effect with the Mod function used by the
Programs; they are independent destinations, though they can come from the same
Note: Modulating any effect parameter (with the exception of chorus speed) while
audio is passing through it can result in audio artifacts or noises due to
discontinuities in the modulation source.
Selecting the Modulator
The are two Modulators. You can select between these by using the PAGE [¬] and
[®] buttons. Page 1 displays the parameters of Modulator #1, while page 2 displays
the parameters for Modulator #2.