MIDI Transfer And Storage Operations
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 117
Saving to External Card
The entire contents of the QuadraSynthÕs User memory (100 Mixes, 128 Programs,
128 Effects Patches) can be stored to an Alesis QuadraCard RAM card inserted into
the Sound Card slot on the QuadraSynth. Depending on the amount of RAM a
particular card has, up to 8 complete banks can be stored onto it. The QuadraCard is
a type of PCMCIA SRAM card; it has 256K of memory and will store 4 complete
banks. A 512K PCMCIA card can store 8 banks. When saving data to a card that
contains a ROM (READ-ONLY) bank, it will be in bank 1; this means you cannot
save anything into bank 1.
➀ Insert the card into the sound card slot on the back panel of the QuadraSynth or
front panel of the S4.
➁ Press [STORE].
➂ Use either PAGE [¬] or [®] to select Page 6 of the Store function.
This selects the ÒSAVE TO CARDÓ option.
➃ Use Quad Knob [1] to select a bank location on the card to store to (1Ñ8).
If the card contains a ROM bank, it will be bank 1. Therefore, you will only be able to
save into bank locations 2Ñ8.
➄ Press [STORE] to transfer the data from the QuadraSynth onto the card.
If the display reads "CARD IS WRITE PROTECTED", switch the write-protect switch
on the card to off and repeat the procedure.
Loading from External Card
➀ Insert the card into the card slot on the back panel.
➁ Press [STORE].
➂ Use either PAGE [¬] or [®] to select Page 7 of the Store function.
This selects the ÒLOAD FROM CARDÓ option.
➃ Use Quad Knob [1] to select the bank on the card you wish to load (1Ñ9).
➄ Press [STORE] to transfer the data from the card into the QuadraSynth.