Editing Programs
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 83
In Page 1 of the TRACK function, Quad Knob [1] selects the input of the Tracking
¥ Note Number ¥ Velocity ¥ Release Velocity
¥ Aftertouch ¥ Poly Pressure ¥ Mod Wheel
¥ Pitch Wheel ¥ MIDI Volume ¥ Sustain Pedal
¥ Pedal 1 ¥ Pedal 2 ¥ PLFO
¥ FENV ¥ AENV ¥ Random
¥ Trig Rate ¥ Cont. AÑD
For detailed descriptions of each of these sources, see the section ÒModulation
SourceÓ in the Mod section on pages 67Ñ69.
Points 0 Ñ 10 (00Ñ100)
Quad Knobs [2], [3] and [4] in page 1 of the TRACK function control the levels of
points 0 Ñ2. Points 3Ñ6 are found on page 2, while points 7Ñ10 are on page 3.
The Name Function allows you to change the ProgramÕs name. The name can be up
to 10 characters long. Use the PAGE [¬ ] and [®] buttons to position the cursor.
Quad Knob [1] selects the character. Here is a chart of available characters:
! " #$%&’
* +, - . / 0123
456789: ; <=>?@ABCDEFG
¥] ^_` abcdef
kl mno
z{ | }®¬
This enables and disables Drum Mode which allows you to assign individual drum
sounds to individual keys. To Program a sound in Drum Mode, refer to the next
section ÒProgramming Drum Sounds.Ó
This is the master on/off switch for the selected sound (1Ñ4) of the current Program.
To avoid using up polyphony unnecessarily, set Sound Enable to OFF for any
sounds that will not be used in a Program. When using Edit 4 mode, disabled sounds
will have the word ÒsndxÓ (where x is a sound from 1 to 4) appear in lowercase
letters above each bar graph meter in the display. Active sounds will have the word
ÒSNDXÓ appear in uppercase letters. Turning sounds off is a convenient way to
isolate a particular sound you are editing. A quick way to turn a sound on and off
from anywhere within Program Edit mode is to hold the corresponding Quad Button
[1]Ñ[4] and press VALUE [¯] to disable or VALUE [-] to enable. Example: Holding
Quad Button [1] and pressing VALUE [¯] will disable sound 1.