Computer, group, and sample views
100 Perceive Getting Started
To display a set of views for a specific view category, first click the view category to
expand it, then click the view to select it. For example, clicking Group Views on the
Build Views tab expands the category to include all the available views within that
Computer, group, and sample views
Perceive is view-driven, meaning the actions you perform (and the resultant display)
are based on whether you select computer views or group views from the Getting
Started page.
Perceive includes pre-defined categories of single computer views (the
view category) and group views (the Group Views view category). Computer
views display multiple charts for a single computer. Group views display up to two
charts for each computer in a group.
To view a sample view, click
Sample Views and then click a view contained within
that category.
Build Views tab gives analysts (and administrators) a template to construct their
own customized views, and preview that view before making it available to
consumers. It lets you deploy views by turning them on, or eliminating views by
turning them off.
To activate or deactivate a view, select the check box next to that view. Deactivated
view names are italicized, and deactivated views are not displayed on the
Views tab
or included in the Sample Views view category because there is no data source to
support them. This is illustrated in Figure 38.
The Computer Views and Group Views categories are convenient categories to help analysts
organize views into logical groupings. However, they are not enforced by the application,
meaning you can build views and add them to any category you want.
You can delete default views created by BMC Software and reload them from the
Administrator page. For more information on deleting sample views, refer to “Deleting a
custom view” on page 111.