Integrating data sources
146 Perceive Getting Started
Although the installation utility limits the priority levels you can select to three level
(low, medium, and high), you can increase the range once you have started using
Perceive by typing numeric values on the Administration tab.
BMC Software recommends that you assign priorities to multiple data sources in the
default order reflected in the table. However, when changing the values in the
Administration user interface you could type, for example:
1. Visualizer: 99
2. Console UDR: 50
3. Agent History: 1
For more information on changing priority values, refer to “Changing the data source
priority” on page 147.
For more information on configuring data source priority levels during installation,
refer to “Exiting the installation utility” on page 50.
Integrating data sources
As noted previously, Perceive integrates data based on the priority of the data
sources. If higher priority data sources contain some, but not all, of the requested
data, the data is gathered from the higher priority sources, and the request is
narrowed and sent to the lower priority data sources. This process repeats until the
request has been satisfied, or there are no data sources remaining.
For example, if you have data sources A, B, and C with the following data:
A: October 1 - October 31 (with priority 15).
B: September 1 - November 15 (with priority 10).
C: November 5 - November 30 (with priority 5).
Here is what happens when you request data from September 15 through November
1. Perceive searches A, the highest priority data source and finds data for all of
2. Perceive then searches the next priority data source, B, for the remaining part of
the requested interval. It finds data in data source B for September 1st - September
30th and also November 1st - November 15th.