Disk space for installation
Chapter 1 Installing Perceive 23
Disk space for installation
Perceive installation requires approximately 70MB on Windows and ~100 on UNIX
JVM memory usage
Depending on the size of Universal Data Repository (UDR) repositories or the number
of systems included in
the Perform Remote History data source type, the Java Virtual
Machine (Java executable) may reach resident memory size of up to 250 MB.
Therefore, at least 750 MB of RAM is required for proper performance of the Perceive
Perceive browser support
Perceive supports the following browsers.
Browser Tas k Supported Versions
Microsoft Internet
Running the installation
For Windows operating systems
(except XP and Windows Server
■ 5.5
■ 6.0
For Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003
■ 6.0
Running Perceive: For Windows operating systems
■ 5.5
■ 6.0
Mozilla Running Perceive:
■ v.1.7 browsers on UNIX
systems only