View state
Chapter 3 Building custom views 101
View state
A view can be displayed in a view or zoom state. For more information on view
states, refer to “View state” on page 70.
View functions
The selector pane in Perceive contains toolbar icons that perform specific functions.
These icons, located on the top of the results pane, are view-sensitive icons that allow
you to view specific output relative to the current view state.
Table 6 on page 71 shows which icons are available and describes their functions in
The following section details how to build custom views using the
Build Views tab.
Building views
The Build Views tab contains two buttons in the scope pane: Create, and Edit. These
buttons let you build samples views with just a few clicks. It also contains a
button when new views are added.
Create displays a two-page Create View wizard that lets you create, define,
and categorize a new view. Clicking
Edit displays a one-page, two-tab wizard that
lets you customize an existing view for Perceive users.
When you click
Create, a starting page opens for you to create, describe, and
categorize a new view. The two-page Create View page sequence is a wizard that lets
you build your views. Both pages are described later in this chapter.
View function icons only display after you have selected a computer or group view and the
associated view parameters.
The Administration tab, also available when you log on to access the Build Views tab, allows
you to configure and customize Perceive further. For more information on the
Administration tab, refer to “Perceive administrator user interface” on page 120.