xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
Intended Readers
The xStack DES-3800 Series User Manual contains information for setup and management of the Switch. The term, “the Switch”
will be used when referring to all three switches. This manual is intended for network managers familiar with network
management concepts and terminology.
Typographical Conventions
Convention Description
[ ]
In a command line, square brackets indicate an optional entry. For example: [copy
filename] means that optionally you can type copy followed by the name of the file. Do not
type the brackets.
Bold font
Indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu, or menu item. For example: Open the File menu
and choose Cancel. Used for emphasis. May also indicate system messages or prompts
appearing on your screen. For example: You have mail. Bold font is also used to
represent filenames, program names and commands. For example: use the copy
Typewriter Font
Indicates commands and responses to prompts that must be typed exactly as printed in
the manual.
Initial capital letter
Indicates a window name. Names of keys on the keyboard have initial capitals. For
example: Click Enter.
Indicates a window name or a field. Also can indicate a variables or parameter that is
replaced with an appropriate word or string. For example: type filename means that you
should type the actual filename instead of the word shown in italic.
Menu Name > Menu
Menu Name > Menu Option Indicates the menu structure. Device > Port > Port
Properties means the Port Properties menu option under the Port menu option that is
located under the Device menu.
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your device.
A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you
how to avoid the problem.
A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.