xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
Port Access Control
The following screens are used to monitor 802.1x statistics of the Switch, on a per port basis. To view the Port Access Control
screens, open the monitoring folder and click the Port Access Control folder. There are six screens to monitor.
RADIUS Authentication
This table contains information concerning the activity of the RADIUS authentication client on the client side of the RADIUS
authentication protocol. It has one row for each RADIUS authentication server with which the client shares a secret. To view the
RADIUS Authentication, click Monitoring > Port Access Control > RADIUS Authentication.
Figure 12- 18. RADIUS Authentication window
The user may also select the desired time interval to update the statistics, between 1s and 60s, where āsā stands for seconds. The
default value is one second. To clear the current statistics shown, click the Clear button in the top left hand corner.
The following fields can be viewed:
Parameter Description
The identification number assigned to each RADIUS Authentication server that the client
shares a secret with.
The number of RADIUS Access-Response packets received from unknown addresses.
The NAS-Identifier of the RADIUS authentication client. (This is not necessarily the same as
sysName in MIB II.)
The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS authentication servers with which the client
shares a secret.
The UDP port the client is using to send requests to this server.
The time interval (in hundredths of a second) between the most recent Access-
Reply/Access-Challenge and the Access-Request that matched it from this RADIUS
authentication server.
The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets sent to this server. This does not include
The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets retransmitted to this RADIUS
authentication server.
The number of RADIUS Access-Accept packets (valid or invalid) received from this server.
The number of RADIUS Access-Reject packets (valid or invalid) received from this server.
The number of RADIUS Access-Challenge packets (valid or invalid) received from this
The number of malformed RADIUS Access-Response packets received from this server.
Malformed packets include packets with an invalid length. Bad authenticators or Signature
attributes or known types are not included as malformed access responses.