xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
The Upgrade to v1.6
To better improve SIM management, the xStack DES-3800 series switches have been upgraded to version 1.6 in this release.
Many improvements have been made, including:
1. The Commander Switch (CS) now has the capability to automatically rediscover member switches that have left the SIM
group, either through a reboot or web malfunction. This feature is accomplished through the use of Discover packets and Maintain
packets that previously set SIM members will emit after a reboot. Once a MS has had its MAC address and password saved to the
CS’s database, if a reboot occurs in the MS, the CS will keep this MS information in its database and when a MS has been
rediscovered, it will add the MS back into the SIM tree automatically. No configuration will be necessary to rediscover these
There are some instances where pre-saved MS switches cannot be rediscovered. For example, if the Switch is still powered down,
if it has become the member of another group, or if it has been configured to be a Commander Switch, the rediscovery process
cannot occur.
3. This version will support multiple switch upload and downloads for firmware, configuration files and log files, as follows:
• Firmware – The switch now supports multiple MS firmware downloads from a TFTP server.
• Configuration Files – This switch now supports multiple downloading and uploading of configuration files both to (for
configuration restoration) and from (for configuration backup) MS’s, using a TFTP server..
• Log – The switch now supports uploading multiple MS log files to a TFTP server.
4. The user may zoom in and zoom out when utilizing the topology window to get a better, more defined view of the
SIM Using the Web Interface
All switches are set as Candidate (CaS) switches as their factory default configuration and Single IP Management will be disabled.
To enable SIM for the Switch using the Web interface, click Administration > Single IP Management Settings > SIM Settings,
to reveal the following window.
Figure 6- 35. SIM Settings window (disabled)
Change the SIM State to Enabled using the pull down menu and click Apply. The screen will then refresh and the SIM Settings
window will look like this:
2. The topology map now includes new features for connections that are a
member of a port trunking group. It will display the speed and number of Ethernet
connections creating this port trunk group, as shown in the adjacent picture.