Model D2424 Reference Manual (MIDI Implementation Chart/MMC List)
<Allocation of GP0~GP7>
Edit point memory of this equipment is alloted to the response/information field
of 08~0F (GP0~GP7) as shown below.
GP7 however, will be used as the work memory for small adjusting of the
registered figure (Refer to Examples 4 and 5).
<Response/Information Field>
08 GP0 : locate memory 09 GP1 : clipboard in memory
0A GP2 : clipboard out memory 0B GP3 : start memory
0C GP4 : auto punch in memory 0D GP5 : auto punch out memory
0E GP6 : end memory 0F GP7 : reserved
[Example 1] <mmc time> is registered in the start memory (using the write command).
F0 7F <device ID> 06 <write = 40> <count> <GP3 = 0B> <mmc time> F7
[Example 2] Locate memory is recalled (using the read command).
F0 7F <device ID> 06 <read = 42> <count> <GP3 = 08> <mmc time> F7
[Example 3] On-the-fly registering in the punch in memory (using the move command).
F0 7F <device ID> 06 <move = 4C> <count> <destination = 0C (GP4) > <source =
selected time code = 01> F7
[Example 4] When + 1 frame is to be set in the punch in memory (using the add
* Time figure to be added is pre-registered in GP7 (Set 00h 00m 00s 01f in GP7).
F0 7F <device ID> 06 <add = 4D> <count> <destination = 0C (GP4)> <source #1 = 01
(GP4)> <source #2 = 0F (GP7)> F7
[Example 5] When -1 frame is to be set in the punch in memory (using the subtract
* Time figure to be subtracted is pre-registered in GP7 (Set 00h 00m 00s 01f in
F0 7F <device ID> 06 <substract = 4E> <count> <destination = 0C (GP4)>
<source#1 = 0C (GP4)> <source #2 = 0F (GP7)>F7